Sunday, December 20, 2009

My Finished Baking Projects

I have no clue why this wasn't posted before but this was my first attempt at making my own cookies and icing from scratch. I do have to say I am very proud of these cookies!!! :) I think they turned out totally cute.
As I have stated before I am no baker. I have never made an edible cookie from scratch and I have most definitely never made cute little gift baskets to hand out to friends and neighbors. Filled with lots of goodies I made all myself I might add! Including cookies, fudge, chocolates, mints and candy canes. Yummmmm! 
Everyone said they really liked (and ate, lol) everything I made! Some even asked for seconds of the fudge. Awfully proud baker here! :o)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The Most Painful kind of Joy...

I'm talking about Motherhood. Yes, you read that right, I said Motherhood. I have always wanted to be a Mom. I even tried to feed my brother a bottle of soap when I was 3 because he was crying and I was trying to help my Mom. I don't actually remember this but have been told the story many times. Thankfully no harm was done to my brother. None that we know of anyway. Although that might explain him a bit.....kidding of course....maybe. :P Anyway back to my topic. As I said before I have always wanted to be a Mom. Not until I actually became one did I realize exactly how painful it is though. I'm not talking physical pain here either. I'm talking about that really deep pain that's constantly nagging at you and never gives you peace. Okay, maybe not all Mother's have that but I'm pretty certain the majority know what I'm talking about. You know it is everything that has to do with your child/children. From the big things like the way that you choose to raise them to the smallest things like the foods they eat. It's that constant question, "is what I am doing right?" Is this the best for my child/children?" As Mother's we are responsible for raising and helping shape a little person. Or choices help shape them for life. What a serious responsibility! It's such a painful kind of joy knowing that you either help create a productive, loyal, responsible, loving person or something entirely the opposite. And the worst part is that sometimes you really just don't have much say in how things go or what's thrown on the plate for you to work through. You just have to suck it up and take it. Always making sure to put your best forward (with possibly plenty of tears along the way) and take everything that comes at you. Remembering the whole time that the decisions your making, every decision no matter how small, is on behalf of someone else and you want to be sure it's the right one because you love and care for them so much. I mean don't get me wrong, while this is an extremely nerve wrecking, painful kind of emotion I would never want to not feel it. It's the best thing in the whole world. Being a Mother I mean and I wouldn't trade a single second for anything. The moments that you experience when you are a Mother are the best in the world and are indescribable. Like that second you first saw your baby or when they first started to recognize you as their Mommy or that first day of school. Their fun little laughs and silly games. Their innocence. The constant talking and questions. The billions of hugs and kisses that you can never get enough of. Once again maybe not everyone knows what I mean but the majority of you know that your days would not be the same without some baby drool, wet kisses or toys on the floor! I love my children and I cherish every moment...even when they are making me want to pull my hair out and scream! Ha, ha! They really are great kids. I am so blessed. And no matter what is thrown on my plate I will handle it remembering that I can only do the best I can do and every moment is a special one.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


I love it. And I totally suck at it. Okay, well maybe not totally. I can bake some things. Like banana bread....and....well that's about it. So yes, I can bake banana bread. And I am even good at baking banana bread. As a matter of fact I think I make a pretty darn good banana bread. I'd love to learn how to bake other things too though since I really do love to bake. I love getting all the ingredients together, setting everything up, reading the recipe, pouring the flour, breaking the eggs, adding bits and pinches here and there. I love that baking is not an exact science. You can add a bit of vanilla if you want, just to try, and as long as you don't overdo it, the outcome can be splendid. I love the effects of baking too. The smells that entice your nostrils are just plain glorious. There really aren't many things that can get your taste buds going like the smells that can come from an oven. The warm feeling that comes with creating something from scratch. There is just something very therapeutic about baking to me. I've tried cookies several times in the past and no matter what recipe I try I just can't seem to get it right. They are always hard and/or burnt. I don't think I have once created an edible cookie. So my next and first real attempt at broadening my baking horizon will be an attempt at fudge. I have absolutely no idea how difficult fudge is to make but my plan is to try. I'm not actually even sure if there is even baking involved with the fudge making process but that's my first goal. Ha, ha! Finding the extra money to buy gifts this year is proving difficult but finding extra flour and eggs to make some scrumptious somethings I can do. So my plan is to create some goody baskets filled with all my lovely baking to give as gifts. Can I make fudge, cookies and breads that aren't burnt and actually edible, now that's the real question???

I've Done It..

Yes, I started yet another blog...obviously. I have one for the family which is mainly just about the kiddos. I love writing about them and keeping everyone updated on our comings and goings but sometimes it would be nice to just write about things that interested me. Things that may not be exactly appropriate for a "family" blog or things that not everyone that reads about our family would be interested in. Things that are just about me. It would be nice to write about things that please me or new things I am trying (like knitting) without feeling like I am going to bore someone with my "Whitty Banter". ;o) Or maybe I'll post a vent or two on here. I guess if you are reading this blog then you'll just have to keep coming back and reading to see what comes next..............